New Delhi, India - Saran Kohli, a renowned designer in the fashion industry, is proud to announce the opening of "Studio E597," a collaborative design space located in Greater Kailash Part 2, New Delhi. The studio brings together three well-known designers, including Geetanjali Singh of GEE-SIN, specializing in women's wear, and Jeetinder Sandhu, a shoe designer offering bespoke handcrafted shoes, leather bags, and accessories for both men and women.
The new space offers bespoke and made-to-measure appointments for both menswear and womenswear, providing clients with a unique and personalized experience. Studio E597 offers a range of services, from semi-casual to evening wear and a heritage line that includes the finest artisan sherwanis, Indo westerns, and Nehru ensembles. With a focus on quality craftsmanship and attention to detail, each piece is made to the highest standards, ensuring customer satisfaction.